Monday 20 June 2016

legal, ethical and contractual letter

Flipside Media
16th June 2016

To whom it may concern.

I am writing this letter in response to your job advert for a digital video producer, I will be talking about how the advert is legally wrong with as it. I believe this is explicit because the video that I will have to make about teenage rape cannot be film using teenagers unless they are over the age of 18 and there cannot be reenactments as it is too explicit to show to people under the age of 18. Your payment part of the contract is very unfair, how can somebody get paid potentially £15,000 to work 45 hours a week whereas somebody could get paid £35,000 to work 10 hours a week there needs to be a fixed pay contract with no variables.

The fact that the advert specifically asks for applicants to be below the age of thirty is wrong as the job is not manual labor and difficult such as heavy lifting. This job advert is a clause of the equality act that states that it is illegal to discriminate people based on age, race and gender. The equality act was made in 2010 and it incorporates all of the previously made acts about gender, race and age equality made over the years into one. All employers must stick to it and I don't believe that you are by the looks of your advert. The fact that you have also stated that the applicant is required to be of christian faith is wrong regardless of the fact that you are a christian lead group. Employers in the UK are supposed to recruit people fairly and of all different races, ages, genders and racial views. The video that I am being asked to produce does not protect me from injury and ill health whilst in the work place until I am employed, this is a void of the employment legislation as I am doing work for you but I am not employed so I would be responsible for anything that happens whilst I am filming for you which is unfair. Also whilst I am filming I cannot be protected by a trade union as I am not technically employed in this industry and they do not cover applicants.    

For the date rape filming that I have been asked to do it is ethically flawed as if they are seriously effected by the events that took place I cannot really ask them to reenact what happened to them. There are codes of practice made by OFCOM to protect people under the age of 18 with lots of codes of practice. I cannot film people under the age of 18 who are reenacting when they have been raped or sexually abused as this is very harmful for them to do. Ethically this I wrong. The way in witch you have asked me to show/represent the victim as the girl and the boy being the one that does everything is wrong as the girl can also be pushy and rape the boy not just weak an unable to resist, it is not just girls that are raped girls can be mean and violent about sex as well. The media always portrays females in the same way and males in the same way which is unfair.  

The OFCOM broadcasting code states lots of rules about filming people under the age of 18 states that people cannot be broadcast if it shows something that may be mentally or physically harmful to them especially if it is unsuitable for them and you would not show them it even if they where not in it. I simply cannot film what you have asked me to do "you should compliment the interviews with re-enactments and dramatizations" as the teenagers are under the age of 18 and it would seriously disturb there mental health. The obscene publications act prevents productions from being broadcast if they are classed as being obscene. The video that I am being asked to make would be classified by the BBFC as 18 and maybe even R rated as the content is sexual and unsuitable for anyone under the age of 18. The £20 re compensation Payment does not cover the fact that I will have to break several laws to make the production such as copyright with the "popular music soundtrack" that I could not pay for with £20 so I would have to steal it.

To conclude I believe that your job advertised has too many legal and ethical flaws in it and unless you make the changes to this I will not be applying to this job. I believe that both you as the the employer and me as the the employee could get into series legal cases that could be taken to court.  

Your sincerely

Joe Wicks    

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